Most existing Grid application development environments provide the application developer with a nontransparent Grid. Commonly, application developers are explicitly involved in tedious tasks such as selecting software components deployed on specific sites, mapping applications onto the Grid, or selecting appropriate computers for their applications. Moreover, many programming interfaces are either implementation-technology-specific (e.g., based on Web services [24]) or force the application developer to program at a low-level middleware abstraction (e.g., start task, transfer data [22, 153]). While a variety of graphical workflow composition tools are currently being proposed, none of them is based on standard modeling techniques such as Unified Modeling Language (UML).

T. Fahringer, R. Prodan, R.Duan, J. Hofer, F. Nadeem, F. Nerieri, S. Podlipnig, J. Qin, M. Siddiqui, H.-L. Truong, A. Villazon, M. Wieczorek, ASKALON: A Development and Grid Computing Environment for Scientific Workflows, in Workflows for eScience, Scientific Workflows for Grids, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 978-1-84628-519-6

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